Population: We’re Number 3

Based on 2022 Census estimates, the United States had 339 million people.

  • India is the most populous country, with 1.425 billion people, followed very closely China, also with 1.425 billion. India and China each have 18 percent of the world’s population.

  • A full 40 percent of all people on Earth live in Southeast Asia (China, India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh).

  • The most populous country in Africa is Nigeria (ranking 6th, with 216 million people).

  • Brazil is South America’s largest country, ranking 7th with 215 million people.

  • Europe’s most populous country is Germany (ranking 19th, with 84 million people).

Source: World Population Review, 2022, https://worldpopulationreview.com/countries; “Countries by Percentage of World Population,” World Atlas, https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/countries-by-percentage-of-world-population.html; updated in 2023 with estimates of China, India, and the United States.


Voter Turnout: We’re Number 31

