In Far Too Many Domestic Policy Categories, We’re Not Number One—Not Even Close
Welcome to this website. Very soon, my most recent book, We’re Number One!? America’s Uncertain Standing in the World will be published. This website highlights the major findings of the book, namely, that in far too many areas of domestic public policy, the United States has much work to do. We are falling behind, sometimes embarrassingly so, other industrialized democratic countries.
This website will also give periodic updates, looking at the policy developments under the Trump administration and the new 119th Congress. And there will be guest editorials by lawmakers and policymakers, who will help us understand the problems but also offer solutions.
What do you think? Let us know your thoughts and suggestions.
Update on Latest Policy Developments
How is the US Doing, by Category?
America by the Numbers
Freedom and Democracy
Income, Wealth, Equality
Supporting the Family and Reproductive Rights
Obesity, Hunger, Addiction
Social Safety Net
Health Care
Crime, Punishment, Firearms
Budgets, Taxing, Spending, and Priorities
Combatting Climate Change
Infrastructure, Technology, and Innovation
Quality of Life
Let’s Look at the International Rankings. Where Does the United States rank?
We’re Number 1! (Good)
We’re Number 1! (Not Good)
We’re Number 2-10! (Good)
We’re Number 2-10! (Not Good)
We’re Number 11-30!
We’re Number 31-50!
We’re Number 51-100!
Off the Charts
How Did They Do It?
Here are examples of how other countries have tackled difficult domestic problems.
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President Trump signed an Executive Order titled “Putting America First in International Environmental Agreements.” This withdraws the US from the Paris Climate Accord Trump in his first term had withdrawn the US from the Paris agreement; then Biden promptly returned the US to the Paris agreement. The Executive Order also cancelled the Biden International Climate finance plan.