Violent Cities: St. Louis is Number 7 and Baltimore is Number 16
Of the twenty most dangerous cities in the world in 2023, as measured by murder rate, the top six are all in Mexico. Celaya, Mexico, tops the list, with a murder rate of 109.39 per 100,000 residents. The seventh most dangerous city is St. Louis, Missouri, which has a murder rate of 87.43. Baltimore ranks sixteenth, with a murder rate of 56.45. All the other most dangerous cities are in Mexico, Venezuela, Brazil, Jamaica, or South Africa. These rankings do not include situations of war or conflict. For the OECD member countries, the average murder rate is 4.50 per 100,000. No European or Asian city ranks in the top fifty of the world’s deadliest cities.
Source: “Ranking of the Most Dangerous Cities in the World in 2023, by Murder Rate per 100,000 Inhabitants,” Statista,